Jimmy Leas is My Candidate for City Council
Letter from supporter,
published in the Front Porch Forum…
We need Jimmy Leas as our councilor
I’m voting for Jimmy Leas for city council. His highest priority are the people of South Burlington and our wellbeing. He does not court favor with developers or those who use our city as a money-making enterprise for themselves. His character and actions stand in stark contrast to his opponent, the incumbent, Pat Nowak. In case you missed the tiny article in the newspaper two years ago, here are some facts to consider before you vote.
In 2015, one month after Pat Nowak had been re-elected to the South Burlington City Council, the State of Vermont ruled that she had broken multiple state campaign finance laws when she was trying to get elected to the City Council in 2013. (She won that election.) She received in-kind contributions from Pam Mackenzie valued at $4,782; she accepted far more money than allowed under the law–exceeding the allowed limit by $1,782 — and she did not report the contributions she received.
Wait, there’s more….
Jimmy recently discovered while reading Airport Commission meeting minutes from May 16, 2016, that they were discussing important matters concerning our city. He then learned that Nowak, who is the South Burlington representative to the airport, neglected to share this information at a city council meeting only hours later.
Nowak disputed Jimmy’s statement, saying she had reported. However, City Council minutes show Nowak making only a one-sentence report: “5 properties have been approved for purchase, and the Airport is ready to go forward on those.” Jimmy had been correct. Not only had Nowak neglected to inform her fellow councilors of key discussions and actions, but she had actually VOTED FOR more home buyouts! She also neglected to tell the Council about additional home buyouts, about funding for new noise areas, about legal agreements with homeowners, and that the airport was discussing purchasing Chamberlin school.
Nowak’s failure to inform the Council prevented the City from taking prompt action on the airport proposals. Her negligence contributed to the current chaos.
We can’t risk keeping Nowak as our airport representative or as our City Councilor. We must elect Jimmy Leas to replace her on the Council. Jimmy is highly qualified, is a lawyer, and is an activist with an outstanding record of supporting social justice causes. He is an honest, experienced, and caring person, who will work tirelessly for the people of South Burlington and who will truly represent our city’s needs.
Roddy O’Neil Cleary, Harborview Rd