Time to Learn the Truth About Airport Land Grab
Letter from supporter,
published in the Front Porch Forum…
South Burlington Needs to Dump Pat Nowak
It’s clear that Pat Nowak has failed in her duty to report the information she is privy to in Airport Commission meetings regarding the home buy-outs. Information we are ALL entitled to know. Personally, I’m tired of listening to her excuses. She’s already been investigated by the state for violating campaign finance laws — do we need to go through that again?
Turns out, that SB voters didn’t know about Nowak’s violations in 2013 and 2015. Now it’s 2017, and the truth has been revealed: She had to settle with the state in order to avoid further civil or criminal charges. She must have REALLY wanted that seat. Aren’t we tired of being scammed yet?
What we really need is leadership that shines a light on what’s going on with the Airport’s land grab, but there is a choke hold on the truth that starts with Pat Nowak. It appears that she doesn’t represent the people who put her in the city counsel, and instead is hiding the information we need to know. Why is that I wonder?
Vote for Jimmy Leas
Jimmy Leas is running for her seat, and I for one am ready for a change. Vote Jimmy Leas because we need someone in the SB City Counsel who will finally tell us the truth — before they turn South Burlington into an Airport parking lot.
Robin Burton, Arbor Road